Rebel inc escalation tvtropes
Rebel inc escalation tvtropes

rebel inc escalation tvtropes

He dies alone, sitting by the door he barricaded. In The Long Watch, Interplanetary Patrol Lieutenant John Dahlquist, after a superior attempts to recruit him into a coup attempt, instead makes a Heroic Sacrifice by barricading himself in the nuclear armory and manually disabling all the nuclear weapons, taking a fatal dose of radiation in the process.In The Roads Must Roll, when the workers are organizing their strike on the grounds that transportion being so necessary, they should use their clout for extortion, one worker objects that the terms of their employment are not actually oppressive when the strike actually occurs, he goes to the boss to offer his help.Later, another one, Rykhel, takes a saviour pod from their ship in hopes of getting back with news of their treachery Gessart is enraged that he didn't speak up when challenged, and though they are fleeing the danger that Rykhel is going into, he claims that he fled from fear. In Gav Thorpe's Warhammer 40,000 story "Renegades", when Gessart decides to take their company renegade, several Marines speak against him and are murdered.( Leading to a very junior officer being in command.) In Winning Colors, treasonous senior officers try to use their ship their juniors realize the treachery and mutiny.The survivors were uncommonly enthusiastic about opposing him and the rest of the treacherous forces thereafter they bogged them down for months. In Horus Heresy, Horus's attack on the Marines on Isstvan IV was motivated to prevent this.John Milton's Paradise Lost has one angel, Abdiel, in Satan's legions refuse to join his rebellion.

rebel inc escalation tvtropes

  • After the Battlegames, the Obernewtyn Misfits become this to the main rebellion, and force them to look closer at what their plans actually involve.
  • The Druid is rebelling against the Council but is if anything more fanatically opposed to Misfits.
  • A passive version is Gilaine and the other Misfits in the Druid’s camp.
  • The Obernewtyn Chronicles has two groups of these.
  • He starts out as a very-reluctant new addition to the team's anti-Yeerk resistance movement, only to rebel against them and briefly become a side unto himself.
  • Land of the Blind: Joe becomes one of these when he realizes that their Rebel Leader is more than just a Well-Intentioned Extremist but Knight Templar bordering on Magnificent Bastard.
  • Jones County, Mississippi secedes from the Confederacy just as the Confederate States did.


    Free State of Jones: The film centers on a group of disgruntled white farmers and fugitive slaves rising up to fight the Confederacy, which itself was deemed the "rebels".

    rebel inc escalation tvtropes

    Expanded Universe material further elaborates on the tension between the two groups, with the final season of Rebels television show detailing what exactly was the final straw for Saw and the Alliance for the former to split away. Saw Gerrera in Rogue One from Star Wars quit the Rebel Alliance with his Partisans due to conflict over their modus operandi, as Saw's was at odds with their morals, goals, and caused negative public relations, not helped with his growing paranoia on who to trust due to receiving several assassination attempts and being poisoned to the point where he needs mobile life support by the time we see him in Rogue One.

    rebel inc escalation tvtropes

    So they're currently rebelling against rebelling because that counter-intuitively causes things to stay the same. Their predictable evil was actually good for making the Asgardians look good in comparison and create an "easily" defeatable threat to stabilize their society. The kicker is? Most people don't want them to! Why? Because Loki's other setting is a chaotic trickster which is really not something the powers that be can use. Past Loki successfully noticed that he became traitor in his villainy so he made arrangements to change that by dying and other very extreme measures (like not being one of anything).

  • Jack Frost of The Invisibles had shades of this at first, being so anarchist he rejected even the minimal and fluid authority of a cell of the Invisibles.
  • By the time the story begins, he has an entire squad of soldiers who have joined him. On the way to do so, he got an infection, had a vision, and decided to enjoy the freedom of being on neither side instead.
  • Soames from DMZ was originally a soldier for one side in a Divided States of America situation, who intended to defect from the rebels back over to US army.

  • Rebel inc escalation tvtropes